Alpha Agency

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Apartments in Kiev

Apartments in the Crimea

Taxi service

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Exchange banners with us
   We would like to exchange banners with other sites with high traffic. Your banner will be placed at our index page. We exchange banners of the same size (e.g. full banner, half banner, button) and text links.

        Terms of exchange:
- The banners of standart sizes are accepted. These are:
  468x60 - Full banner
  234x60 - Half banner
  120x240 - Vertical
  125x125 - Square button
  88x31 - Micro button

- We download your banner and store it on our hosting.
- Periodically we'll visit your site and check if our banner is there. If it is deleted we leave ourselves the right to delete the banner of your site from ours and do not accept it again.
We leave ourselves the right:
- To deny the banners we would not like to placed on our site.
- To change these terms without informing our partners.
- To change the code of the banner to harmony with the design of our site.
We do not accept:
- Banners of sites with erotic content, homepages.
- Pop-up windows codes.

  If you agree with these terms and still would like to exchange banners with us :), please, e-mail us to

        Our banners:
  468x60 (JPG, 13332 bytes)
Full banner
  468x60 (GIF, 15363 bytes)
Full banner
  468x60 (JPG, 12531 bytes)
Full banner
  100x100 (GIF, 24608 bytes)
Square button